Five Things Friday

Hey guys! It has been a while since I sat down to write something on here. I love writing but, never seem to make the time. I wonder why that is? Why do we put off things we love doing. It is easy for life to get in the way, but if we love doing it, don’t you think it would be easier for us to make the time? 

Ever since I met my BF back in May, I feel like my schedule has been off. Besides the fact we are all living through a pandemic, computing a whole new person into your day, isn’t easy. Especially, since it's easier to put off things you enjoy because that means more time with your SO… another thing you enjoy. 

Well, this week I started therapy again for the first time in years. It is such an investment, ~$45 a week, and isn’t something that gives you instant gratification. It needs constant attention, time, and money for it to be beneficial long-term. So I am going to stick with it for a few months. However, I can say after one call I felt immensely calmer and ready to take action. 

We discussed how, as I mentioned above, my schedule is all out of sorts and worked through ways to get m schedule back on a track that fit my life. See the thing is I LOVE having my week planned ahead of time to get the most out of my day. The thought of wasting time gives me anxiety, however, my day changes day-to-day and I am horrible at sticking to plans unless someone is holding me accountable.

The solution: planning the night before and having an update for her by our next call. This way I can adapt the day close enough to it where I can be productive, but not far away enough that when things come up I can’t easily move things around. Honestly, the fact that I am writing this now (after also working out this morning) shows how beneficial it can be to get started. Having a weekly meeting helps hold me accountable for more than my emotions but also my actions.

So that leads me into introducing my first ever “Five Things Friday.” I am hoping to sit down each week and share five things I discovered or am in the process of discovering.

  1. Investing in yourself.

    Like I mentioned above, I took the leap this week, financially and emotionally, to invest in myself in the form of therapy. This is something I have been putting off for years. My mentality was, I am not ~that~ in need of it where it is worth the money. But the thing is, mental health should be a priority. While it may be more necessary for some people over others, that does not mean that it isn't beneficial to everyone.

    The only reason I took this leap into therapy is because a friend recommended an online therapy service in front of out friends. It was very courageous of her to speak so openly about therapy and it turned into a positive group conversation full of support. She sent me the link and made it beyond easy to get started. I am waiting to publicly share the site until I have given it enough time to properly suggest it. However, if you would like to get started today, feel free to reach out and I will share it with you.

  2. Look chic, shop sustainably.

    I absolutely LOVE second-hand stores. Mostly because I feel like I can get something no one else has. Then… there is also the reason that it is good for the planet and all that great stuff. My favorite second-hand store in Madrid is by far Humana. They have 3 locations within a 10-minute walking distance with more located all over the city. I have even donated some unwanted clothes this past summer. Right now, they are selling EVERYTHING for 1€. I went two nights ago (when the price was 2€) and bought a super cute faux leather skirt originally purchased from Corte Ingles. Actually, the top I am wearing right now is from Humana as well. If you live in Madrid, I highly recommend stopping in. If you are reading this from elsewhere, there is most definitely a second-hand store close by.

  3. Essential oils and mood-elevation.

    Maybe someone with more of a psychology background has more of an explanation but, I know I am definitely onto something. A few years ago, I attended a free essential oil class at Romney Studios in which the person explained how different scents match different chakras. While the chakras are a little over my expertise, I do feel like you can have scent association with emotions. Anyone else binge-watch Emily in Paris? For a marketing campaign, she combined a scent with the opening of a hotel. That way, each anyone smells this scent, they are immediately taken back to their trip to Paris. So, if you are miraculously still following my train of thought, I figured what if certain essential oils helped to take me out of negative emotional states. Well, this is an experiment in progress but, with my lavender diffuser on as we speak, I can say it is already working.

  4. Flying Tiger and board games nostalgia.

    Anyone else wish they had an endless supply of board games during lockdown? In an effort to ensure I am never again boardgameless during a government-mandated stay at home order, I have slowly, but surely, been building my board game collection. Right now, I have Mancala, Yahtzee, and Backgammon, and I swear it brings back the best kind of nostalgia. Why do we reserve board games for our childhood years and not play life long? Maybe I am at that age in my 20’s where I am done with the constant drinking? (probably not). All I know is that I am so into the idea of a weekly game night. If you don’t have a lot of money to spend, I highly recommend Flying Tiger or Facebook market place for a lightly used game. 

  5. The power of a good notebook

    I am beyond obsessed with note-taking lately. If you follow along with my stories on IG, you know I began learning how to code. To learn properly, I wanted to take notes so I could use them and look back when I get stuck. In fact, I have a notebook for my Spanish classes, a notebook for clients, a notebook for journaling, and I even got a mini notebook for planning my next day. All of a sudden, I have this growing collection of notebooks I use weekly. They have been helping me stay organized and there is something to be said about pen to paper. Sure there are so many amazing technological advances for staying organized but, there is something just so therapeutic when you take notes by hand. Plus it minimizes distractions.

If you somehow got this far, I commend you. Thank you for reading, and hopefully, I will see you again next Friday!


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