Lets Trip

Out of nowhere a rather strange ATM machine appeared on the sidewalk of Michigan avenue. A crowd of early morning commuters gathered to try and get a better look. At first people thought it could have been Banksy’s newest art piece because it was a white machine with nothing but a blank screen and the word “Trip”.  The crowd grew larger and larger. Everyone was trying to get a look at the odd machine to figure out what it was.

After about ten minutes a holograph of a man came from the machine. He said, “Welcome to the future, welcome to Trip. In case you don’t recognize me, I’m Tim Cook CEO of Apple. You are the first group of people lucky enough to have the opportunity to Trip. Its simple. You buy a pill to Ibiza and you are transported there. Its like any other vacation you spend thousands of dollars to go on and you are actually there experiencing it. Have you always wanted to travel to the country side of Italy? Curious to see the cliffs of Moher? The Eiffel Tower? Trip makes it affordable and cuts out the hassle of flying.”

People laughed assured it was a prank. A door to the ATM opened and a baggie with a pill and note appeared. The machine said in a slightly robotic voice “Lets Trip.” A homeless man walked up towards the machine excited to get his next possible fix. Everyone stood silent stuck in their tracks waiting to see what will happen. Grabbing the pill out of the baggie he shoved it down his throat and instantly vanished. All that was left was the note reading “Sydney, Australia: two hours.”

The crowed began causing a commotion which only drew in more people. Everyone was trying to figure out what had happened. Many police and new stations arrived in minutes interviewing those close enough to see what happened. Everyone was in disbelief thinking it was still a prank. Deep down some wanted to believe it was real, that things aren’t always too good to be true.

It took a mere hour for ABC7 to get ahold of Tim Cook on Skype. “I was waiting for you to get ahold of me I assumed you’d be quicker but oh well, the future is now our present. See you soon,” Tim said into the computer camera.  He lifted up a pill towards the lens and showed a note that said Chicago: Ten seconds. He put the pill in his mouth, and swallowed with a sip of water.  Instantly, he appeared on the set of ABC7. The hosts got up to walk towards him but just seconds later he appeared back on the other side of the skype call. "Humanity will be forever changed," he said before he hung up.


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