One Pan Shakshuka

Shakshuka is probably one of my favorite things to eat and make. I don't know why I don't think to make it more often.


After going to the Chinese Medicine course at Scratch Goods, I've been trying to eat warmer foods. Her explanation- warm foods are what we look to when we are sick, and although we crave them in the cooler months, they are great for our digestive tract year round. Then she asked, "What do we do when we are cold? We tense up," as she demonstrated her contracting in. I don't know why I needed someone to explain this to me but for some reason so much of my life made sense. I absolutely HATE the cold weather and actually get pretty depressed when the temperature drops too low. I feel lazy and unmotivated. In the summer, days feel endless and I just love the feeling of a hot sun shining on my body. I thought about my favorite things to do and my favorite places to be. New Orleans, where its always pretty warm, and Core Power Yoga Sculpt with 95 degree weather. I am just so much happier mentally in warm environments, it kinda make me think, well duh! If I'm so much happier with warmer environments maybe my food should be too, especially if its easier on my stomach. Since, I've been working hard to make sure most of the food I eat is warm, and even though it was 85 degrees outside this morning- Shakshuka it was!


  • 1/2 cup Onion

  • 1 Bell Pepper

  • 2 Cans of Diced tomatoes

  • 1/2 tsp Garlic

  • 1 handful Spinach

  • Siete Foods chipolte hot sauce

  • 2 Eggs (I use vital farms).

  • 1 Piece of toast

How to:

  1. Dice up the onion and bell pepper.

  2. Place them in a pan and sauté with olive oil,

  3. Once cooked, add the cans of diced tomato, garlic and spinach- let sit until boiling.

  4. Add salt, pepper, and Siete Foods chipotle hot sauce and stir.

  5. Crack two eggs right on top and cover with a lid until cooked.

  6. Toast a piece or two of bread.

  7. Eat it right out of the pan with a side of toast!


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